This web site is for article submission and peer review process only. Accepted articles are published on the PoPuPS portal.


  • Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment

    BASE publishes original papers in the fields of life sciences: environmental science and technology, forest and natural space management, agronomical science, and chemistry and bio-industries.

  • Journal des Savoirs Relatifs

    Cette revue a pour objectif de publier n'importe quoi et n'importe comment, de préférence.

  • Tropicultura

    Tropicultura is a multi‐disciplinary journal, which publishes original articles, research and summary notes, overviews of books and essays, announcements and reports on films / audio‐visual resources concerning all fields linked to rural development, as well as sustainable management of the environment in overseas countries.

  • Geologica Belgica

    Geologica Belgica is a Belgian journal that welcomes papers concerning all aspects of the earth sciences, with a particular emphasis on the regional geology of Belgium, North West Europe and central Africa. Papers not dedicated to the geology of Belgium, North West Europe and central Africa are only accepted when one of the authors is linked to a Belgian University or Institution, or for articles of André Dumont medallists. Thematic issues are highly appreciated. In this case, guest editors take in charge the selection of the manuscripts and the subject of the papers can be enlarged.